Prepare to Bring Your Preserved Fruits and Vegetables and Baked Goods to the Macon County Fair

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The 2024 Macon County Fair will be held September 18th – 21st. This year’s theme is “Bringing the Harvest Home”. As you begin doing just that, we would love for you to bring some of your harvest to be displayed at the fair! You can enter your fresh fruits and vegetables to be judged in the farm products department. Or, if you’ve worked hard to “preserve” your harvest, you may enter your canned or dehydrated foods to be judged in the food preservation department. If you’re a beekeeper, you’ll want to bring your prized honey or beeswax product to judged and showcased. The community enjoys seeing all of the entries and it’s a wonderful way to support the Macon County Fair, one of the few remaining traditional agricultural fairs in North Carolina!

The N.C. Cooperative Extension Agents from the Macon office, as well as surrounding counties, help with judging of the agricultural, horticultural, honey, and food departments. Our agents are considered specialists in these areas and judging criteria is research based. One example of this would be in the food preservation category. These judges are Family and Consumer Science Agents that have experience and training in food preservation. Preserved foods are judged on preparation method, tested recipe, and appearance, including jar fill and head space. Upon entry, you will be asked how the food was processed. The food must be processed correctly in order for it to be considered for judging. Once the judging is completed, ribbons are awarded and the canned goods are placed for everyone to see. If you would like to enter your preserved foods, you may bring them to the fair grounds on Tuesday, September 17th from 9 a.m. – 8 p.m.

Additional food categories that can be entered for judging include baked goods and of course, the infamous Best Cake and Best Pie in Macon County contests. The baked goods categories include all types of breads (yeast and quick), cakes, cookies, candies, pastries, pies and tarts. Those entries will also be accepted on the Tuesday, September 17th  from 9 a.m. – 8 p.m. Judging will take place on Wednesday morning. All baked goods become property of the fair and will be sold in a “sidewalk” bake sale beginning Wednesday at 1 p.m. All proceeds from the sale will go to support the fair. Entries for the Best Cake and Best Pie contests are accepted on Saturday, September 21st from 10 a.m. – 11 a.m. Judging begins at 11:00 a.m. This is one of the most popular attractions at the fair so please consider entering a cake or a pie. And of course, don’t miss the judging and big announcement, as well as the auction. It’s fun to watch the “old timers” (they know who they are) bid big dollars on the cakes and pies. Just another great way to give financial support to the fair.

Be on the lookout for the 2024 Macon County Fair book that includes a schedule of events, all fair categories, departments and important entry rules. For more information, call the Macon County Fair Grounds at 828-369-3523 or the Macon County Extension Services at 828-349-2046. We look forward to you “bringing your harvest home” and sharing some of it with us at the fair!

Food Preservation Guidelines

Baked Good Guidelines


Best Cake in the County Contest

Best Pie in the County Contest

Canned Goods

Food Preservation Booth, Macon County Fair 2023